Programming & Development How to use Event Aggregator in Aurelia In a frontend Application we sometimes need to send some message or notify other components to update UI based on some data. We can achieve Nayeem Iqubal March 19, 2021
Programming & Development Custom Elements and Compose View in Aurelia Custom elements are useful when we have large page content and we need to break the pages into small pieces of components which can be Nayeem Iqubal March 18, 2021
Programming & Development Configuring Aurelia Router and Its Basics Routing is necessary for users to navigate through the whole web site. To make SPA project routing in frontend is must. Configure aurelia router in Nayeem Iqubal March 17, 2021
Programming & Development Getting Started with Aurelia In VivaSoft Limited We have some Clients who want to develop their project using aurelia in the frontend. So recently I have learned Aurelia to Nayeem Iqubal March 17, 2021
Programming & Development Reverse a linked list using Golang As we start coding and slowly learning about Data Structures(DS), we come across a very famous linear data structure which is known as a linked Rezwanul Haque March 16, 2021
Programming & Development Yml or Yaml for DevOps As software engineers, we are always learning new tech stacks as we process our careers. Everyone who works on any short of software farm all Rezwanul Haque February 15, 2021
Git Multiple Git Account Setup (Ubuntu version) ssh-add is a command for adding SSH private keys into the SSH authentication agent for implementing single sign-on with SSH. The agent process is called Rezwanul Haque January 27, 2021
Programming & Development Installing Multiple Version of Golang using GoEnv Often we need a different version of go according to specific projects. There are different options we have like we can use Docker for our Rezwanul Haque January 18, 2021